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SearchPDF for Web servers enables users to search across PDF documents from the Internet, or the corporate intranet. Organizations which have created full text indexes with Adobe's Acrobat (R) Catalog can now serve those indexes on a web server -- any web browser supporting Adobe's Acrobat (R) Reader 3.0 enables users to search for and view PDF documents with search term highlights.
Up to now, PDF documents were typically accessed within the desktop environment of Adobe Acrobat. SearchPDF for Web Servers allows access to PDF documents from web browsers.

In addition, SearchPDF for Web Servers utilizes the External Markup Language (XML)standard which enables users to view search term highlights in PDF documents from a web browser. XML extends existing markup languages (i.e. HTML, SGML) to enable term highighting and eventually annotation hyperlinks across the network.

SearchPDF for Web Servers and Adobe Acrobat 3.0 support the Netscape plug-in architecture and the XML standard, enabling search term highlighting and page-at-a-time viewing of PDF documents from a web browser.

  • Full text search and retrieval of PDF documents already indexed by Acrobat Catalog.
  • Ease of installation and administration through a graphical point and click interface.
  • Search support for up to four document collections created with Adobe's Acrobat Catalog.
  • Simple, Standard and Power query forms.
  • Templates for customized results lists
  • Password security
  • Supports the XML term highlighting standard and page-at-a-time document viewing
  • 'Upgrade ready' compatibility with Verity's Topic Internet Server


HTTP Server Operating Systems - Sun Solaris 2.4 and higher
HP-UX 9.04, IBM AIX 4.1, Windows NT 3.51
HTTP Servers: Any CGI compliant Web Server
Web Browsers: Any Web Browser supported by Adobe Acrobat 3.0 Reader

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